21 November 2007

PhoneWeaver is a phone management application designed to help control your phone state parameters using profiles in the most intuitive way. Using profiles you can link between your phone state and your agenda, time of day and much more.Using PhoneWeaver you can define smart profiles that are activated manually or automatically based on the time, appointments or phone state. Each smart profile can fully control the state of your phone radio, Wi-Fi, push mail, Bluetooth, ringer, vibrate state and much more!

PhoneWeaver also adds a clean and straightforward plugin to your Today screen, allowing you to view and control the currently active profile. PhoneWeaver is the best way to link your information stored on your mobile device with your device phoning capabilities!NEW RELEASE! - PhoneWeaver 1.1 is here! Featuring Thumbs-mode, Popup menu activation, skins support more details!
For more details visit Youpark


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